God Bless Miracle Empowering Needy Children and the Batwa is a charity organization established to facilitate the Needy children, Vulnerable and Batwa Children who do not meet their education basic requirements due to poverty and illiteracy. The parents or the caregivers of these children do not earn even one dollar per day yet have more than five children.

 This Program rescues such categories of children through experienced and committed staff. After realizing that the majority of people in kisoro district in Uganda bordering two countries in Africa that is Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are illiterate unable to read and write ,finding out that some are Marginalized like the Batwa from Mountain Muhabura and Mgahinga Forest National Park on Mountain Sabyinyo bordering Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Orphans and other Needy Children, in the year 2015, we had a meeting and then begun a Charity Organization to look for donors to support us help the Needy Children, Orphans and the Batwa to attain Education. In the year 2016, we
got a vision to begin a school called God Bless Miracle School (GBMS)to help us deliver the Services to the Batwa, Needy Children and Orphans which begun a Charity Organization Called Light Empowering Needy Children and Batwa Compassion (LNCBC) tohelp on the Healthy and Education service delivery to the Needy Children, Orphans , HIV infected Children and the Batwa in Kisoro District-Uganda-Africa. The offices of LNCBC
Charity organization are in Kisoro District in the South Western Uganda.

It is against this back ground that the program is to be established to respond positively to theneed of the community by fighting against the illiteracy that affect them by providing school dues as well as other school necessities.

1. To provide school dues and other school basic needs for the Orphans, Batwa and the Neediest children.
2. To create love between the children and the creator, which will ensure children to know more about God and be in Kingdom of God.
3. To help children achieve their vision, future prospects since many of them their hopes end when their parents are no more and poor.

MISSION: To empower the Needy people, Orphans, Vulnerable and the Batwa Children to enhance them with Education, Health and overcome hardships.
VISION: Needy, Orphan, Vulnerable and the Batwa Children will get Education and have the power to lift them out of Healthy, Poverty and create vital healthy lives for their families and communities now and for the future.

• To promote healthy, quality Education to orphaned children, Batwa, Neediest Children and sensitize the community about the importance of Education.
• To evangelize the children, their parents, the communities, strengthen their spiritual aspects and proclamation of Gospel of the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ to them to inherit the Kingdom of God.
• To equip children with vocational skills, Values and attitudes to enhance for “My Plan For Tomorrow”.
• To advocate for the children’s rights and protection of the latter, through mobilization, social services and create foundation for the needy children to become responsible citizen in future.